Wednesday, August 24, 2022

St. Mary of Jesus Crucified Novena: Day 8

Eighth Day: Sincerity

Opening prayer:
Holy Spirit, inspire me;
Love of God, consume me;
On the true path, lead me;
Mary my mother, look upon me;
With Jesus, bless me;
From all evil, from all illusion,
from all danger, preserve me.

Thoughts of Mariam:

“Uprightness is your salvation.  Even if a man has all kinds of good qualities, if he doesn’t possess an upright heart and a humbled spirit I shall not be there in his house” says the Lord.
Don’t live with falsehood.  The life of falsehood is short, very soon it shall end. (“Thoughts”, p. 79-80)

We pray with Mariam:

O Divine Savior, do not allow me to seek compliments, because if I seek praise I shall find humiliation hidden underneath, whereas if I look for humiliation I shall find the compliments of Jesus underneath.
Do not allow me to seek anything other than Your Holy will. (“Thoughts”, p. 80)
Saint Mariam, please pray for me and for all my intentions. (Mention your requests in silence)

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory

Final Prayer:

God, our Father, through the intercession of Saint Mariam, and through my trust in Your Divine Son, I present to you all my concerns.  I do not know whether what I have asked is according to Your Holy Will, my Heavenly Father.   with Jesus in the garden of Getsemani I say:
“Thy will be done, not mine”
Be close to me through Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


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