Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Hello again...

Oooh... what a lovely gif... 😍

 July....  July was my last proper blog post.  *sobs*  my poor neglected little corner.  I guess I got wrapped up in cheap social media again.  But I have deleted it from my phone once again and hope to devote more time to creating, praying, meditating, and fellowshipping with good friends like yourself here.  (If you are still here, thank you.)

It makes me sad to see that many of the blogs I follow have not been updated in a while.   It is good however to see some of you still faithfully here on this dear old platform.  There is almost something sacred about these blogs now where you have to slow back down to read, comment, and create.  It's not so simple as snapping a picture, coming up with a quick, witty caption, and sharing it in an instant.  Blogger requires us to delve in, read, and chat in a much more slow and more intentional way.  That's why in my fast from social media I will actually be revisiting this dear community and I hope I can stick with it for a time again because I know I've said this before and almost become invisible once again.

So how are you friend?  What is new?  

God love you,



  1. I feel that...I've been having a lot of trouble finding time to write right now, and I miss reading everyone's posts...

    By the way, I've opened up the Siena Society for bloggers, and poets and other Catholic artists. I'd love to extend an invite to you to join our Google Chat and Discord server if you're interested :)

    1. Aw, I hope you find some time for writing soon! And I've been meaning to write back to you! God willing soon!

      Ooh! That sounds wonderful! I'd love to! Thank you!

  2. Good to have you back, Sarah! I agree, blogging is definitely the best platform for connecting with people, in my opinion! :)
