Friday, April 23, 2021

*Knock knock* Housekeeping!

Hello friends!

How are you today?  I have been staying relatively busy babysitting, hanging out with friends, and living life so I don't have any blog posts in the works right now.  I feel as if it's going to take a little bit to get back in the groove of regular inspiration.  C'mon brain!

But I did want to hop on here with some public service announcements!

First off, Blogger has announced the discontinuation of their e-mail subscription function.  I only created this blog at the beginning of March so I was pleasantly surprised to see I have 11 email subscribers!

I'm so glad to have you here!  But alas, the blog posts will not reach you in email form much longer, so if you'd like to continue receiving emails of my posts, please contact me in the form on the sidebar and I will work on figuring something out!  I will either email you myself or work on finding a new subscription service.  I apologize for the inconvenience but I dearly hope to figure out something that works for both of us!

Secondly, The Maidens of Green Gables are hosting another fantabulous blog party!!!

May 23rd through June 6th, they will be hosting a musical sing-along extravaganza!!  Have you ever wanted to sing your heart out to your favorite musical tunes?  Now's your chance!  Click on this link for all the awesome details!

And finally, Megan Chappie over at The Pen and the Cross is co-hosting two blogathons.  I can't wait to see the posts people come up with and hopefully, if I have time and inspiration, I will be able to contribute a little something myself!  Find all the details here at this link!

Anyway!  That's all I have for now!  Which event are you most excited for?  If you couldn't tell, I'm over the moon about the karaoke party!  Do you have any song requests for me to try singing?  So far I have one picked out, but I might try doing a few.  😇  Can you guess which song I have picked already?  Bonus brownie points if you can!

God love you!!


  1. We should all collaborate on the email thing because I am in the exact same boat as you. I've been looking at Sendinblue recently because I'm not sure I want to go with MailChimp (which seems to be the most popular thing out there...)

    1. I'm in the same boat as well! (*embarrased wave* Hi Sarah, I'm not sure if I've introduced myself, but I'm Samantha) The solution that I think I'm going with is which makes it super easy to switch the RSS feed. The downside, though, is that for the free subscription, it only sends the title of your post and a link to your subscribers...
      Catherine, what do you think of Sendinblue?

  2. That Big Hero 6 gif is my life, lol! These are going to be so fun!

  3. I'm so happy your so excited!!! I want to say you might be singing something from Anastasia?? What is your favorite musical??

  4. Thank you so much for sharing about the karaoke party! Hmmmm.....I'm guessing something from Anastasia for the song you've picked out! It's probably way too easy of a guess, but hey - she is your profile picture! :) Are you a soprano, alto??

  5. Not having time to write blog posts between Living Life is quite a good thing, I think. :)

    Thanks so much for spreading the word about our blog-a-thons! I think they'll be a good time!
