Monday, March 8, 2021

Sunshine Blogger Award Vol. 4

The lovely ladies at the Maidens of Green Gables blog, Grace and Katherine, have graciously nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award tag! Thank you so much, dear friends! 💝 (I have done this tag with different sets of questions 3 times before on my old blog here, here, and here.) It's just such a fun tag!!

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Ok! Let's move on to the fun stuff, shall we?!

1. If you had to spend a year in any place in the world, where would it be?

Prince Edward Island or maybe somewhere in Europe.  I've dreamt of visiting PEI ever since I saw the Anne of Green Gables movies.  I certainly wouldn't mind living a whole year there experiencing all four seasons.

2. Who is someone you look up to in life?

Definitely my Carmelite sister penpal.  She always gives wonderful advice and was so inspirational to me in my discernment.  She is a great example of a Carmelite heart; always living for others, always sacrificing herself with Jesus, and praying for priests.

3. What is your favorite history fact/story?

I've never put much thought into this, but now that you ask, I would say the story of the birth of Christ. It was an event that changed history and I would absolutely love to be able to time travel there.

4. What's a new interest that you've discovered?

My family has never been super into outdoor activities. We were taught how to camp by family friends and we never took any hikes on our own. This past year, however, during the shutdowns, our young adult group dragged me up the side of the mountain and called it hiking for fun. 😜  Well, even though I was super winded and a little dizzy at the top, I enjoyed the view very much and I was hooked. Now I love taking hikes in the great outdoors with my friends.

5.What would you sing at Karaoke Night?

Definitely anything Broadway. 😊 Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid is my absolute go-to!

6. What historical event would you have liked to witness firsthand if you could have?

Oh, look! I practically anticipated your question in question #3! Hehe!

7. Would you rather learn how to keep bees and harvest honey or learn the uses for all the different wild herbs, plants, and trees?

I think I would like very much to learn how to keep bees and harvest honey. It sure comes in handy with all the tea I drink!

8. What are two of your pet peeves?

Um... haha... well...
1. People cracking their knuckles.
2. I can’t think of another off the top of my head...

9. Do you collect anything?

Not seriously, but I do have a nice little Anne of Green Gables collection.

10. What motivates you to work hard?

Probably the good faith, satisfaction, and even praise of other people. I love making others happy and putting a smile on their face. I think it's the same as in my Faith. I would never want to offend or disappoint God and so I want to work hard to love and serve Him!

11. What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?

Oh, there are so many! 

These are just a few I can think of off the top of my head but my sister, friends, and I quote movies to each other all the time!  😄

Thank you so much Grace and Katherine for another fun tag!!
I am so out of the blogging loop that I don't think I have even close to 11 friends to tag.  So sorry!  I hope to remedy that now!  If you liked this tag and would like to complete it yourself, consider yourself tagged!

Have a wonderful day, friends!

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