Monday, January 9, 2023

The Winter Wonderland Tag

Hello, my friends!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I'm back with yet another tag!  (They are such easy and fun things to post, you know?)  Thank you so much to Samantha over at Bookshire for another wonderful tag!  Let's get started!!

Link back to The Storybook Journal (the creator of the tag)
Answer the questions; think Winter-y thoughts! Include pictures, if you like.
Tag at least 3 other bloggers, or more if you're feeling ambitious. :)

1. Name a few things you love about Winter and a few things you don't love so much about it.

Winter... I'm not even sure you could call what we experience here in the low desert "winter." 😅  We get lows in the low 40's, maybe the high 30's if we're lucky.  That being said, I do like the cooler temperatures, the ability to bundle up in cute modest winter outfits, drinking tea, seeing Christmas lights, Advent, and of course, Christmas itself!

I don't love the bare trees but other than that, I can't think of much I don't like about winter.  Isn't that odd?  Maybe also the fact that it gets darker earlier but this year hasn't been very bad because our house is all cozy with Christmas decorations. 😊

2. When you were a child, did you "believe" in Santa Claus?

Yes, yes I did.  I know, "shock and disbelief!" 😱  My parents did a wonderful job of playing Santa and the Easter Bunny and I loved Santa.  But Christmas was still first and foremost about the Baby Jesus.  Santa certainly wasn't the star of the show.  When I was 12 or so (if I remember correctly,) I found a receipt for one of my Christmas gifts from Santa in the garage and went to ask my mom about it.  Thankfully my sister didn't catch on so I got to have a good laugh when Easter came around and she still thought the Easter bunny was real.  I don't remember the discovery coming as a shock to me.  It just made sense as Santa was a bit far-fetched since we didn't have a chimney and he was able to visit every kid across the globe in just one night. 😅  It was really a seamless transition, I think.

Credit: Pinterest

Sam also asked if her readers would keep up the legend of Santa for their kids.  I haven't decided yet and I think I would decide that for sure with my future husband.  I have heard of a beautiful tradition of telling your children that the gifts were from Baby Jesus and having them write their wishlist with prayers to Him.  Then when they're old enough, you explain that Jesus blessed mommy and daddy with the ability to get them those toys.  Or maybe I'll just stick with Santa because he is a right jolly old elf. 😉

Credit: Pinterest

3. Is there a book or movie that you really love to read in the Winter as opposed to other times of year?

I'm usually pretty busy around Christmas (both before and after) so I don't get a lot of reading in during that time.  But after the beginning rush of the Christmas season has worn off and we reach mid-January, I can settle in with a good book.  This is the time of year I usually read something new.  One year it was "Little Women."  That was a nice winter read.  I also read "Christmas with Anne", a delightful collection of short stories by my favorite authoress, L.M. Montgomery.  I also like to browse through our box of children's Christmas books that I grew up with.  

4. Is there a particular Christmas movie that you watch EVERY year as a tradition?

Credit: Pinterest

Oh yes!!  There are quite a few.  Our family's absolute favorite movie to watch each and every single year is "It's a Wonderful Life."  Other honorable mentions include "White Christmas", "A Christmas Story", "A Charlie Brown Christmas", and in recent years we've added "The Man Who Invented Christmas" to that list.

Credit: Pinterest

5. Do you usually get a real tree or a fake tree for Christmas? Who's in charge of decorating it at your house?

We've had an artificial tree for a number of years (although there was a time in between when we bought a real tree for a number of years.)  We usually like to decorate it as a family in the week before Christmas.  This year, we decorated it on Christmas Eve and that was a wonderful time.  

6. Does your family usually stay home or go visiting (relatives, friends, etc.) on Christmas Day?

Well, we usually start Christmas Day off at church and then come home and enjoy Christmas brunch as a family.  It's been years since we've exchanged many presents between ourselves on Christmas day proper because in the afternoon we go to our cousins' house for dinner and gifts!  But it is always such a fun time with family, food, games, and Christmas cheer.

7. What does your family usually do on New Year's Eve? Any traditions? Do you ever stay up till midnight?

Our New Year's Eve hasn't really kept the same tradition from year to year.  Some years we're at friends' houses, one year we had Mass and Adoration through midnight, other years we've been at home, and others we've celebrated at our cousins' house as well.  It usually involves sparkling apple cider (or now, champagne!)  This year, we were blessed to attend the enthronement to the Sacred Heart of our friends' home on New Year's Eve!  And yes, I always like to stay up past midnight!  It wouldn't feel right to go to bed earlier. 😄

8. Do you get snow where you live? If so, have you ever built a snowman and named him Olaf?

Snow is a rare phenomenon that graces us every 5 years or so.  The last time we had a light dusting of snow here in the valley was January of 2020.  We do have mountains around though and they get snow every year!  So if you go up there, you can experience snow, skiing (I've never been), and sledding!  2 years ago, my boyfriend and I took a trip up to the mountains and built a genuine snowman.  I don't remember what we named him but I don't think it was very original. 😅 It wasn't Olaf though.  

We also made some vanilla snow ice cream.  😋  When I was a little girl and we got some snow in our backyard, my sister and I made a mini-snowman and used a baby carrot for his nose.

9. If it's snowing outside, would you prefer to go outside and build snowmen and enjoy it, or would you rather stay inside with a blanket and something hot to drink and maybe a movie or a book?

Ooh!  Well, since we don't get snow very often, I absolutely love to go out walking in the snow looking at all the beauty around.  If we had more snow, you could guarantee that I would be out sledding and once I got thoroughly cold, I'd come in for a cup (or two or three) of hot cocoa and a cozy movie or book.

10. When do you start looking forward to or getting excited about Spring?

That depends, but usually in February. 😅  Of course it doesn't really feel like spring until maybe late March or even April sometimes but I'm sure our temperatures feel like spring in other colder parts of the country.  I get excited about spring once I can start wearing lighter layers and it's not so cold out.  

Credit: Pinterest

Wow, that was fun!  Thanks again, Sam!!  Now, to tag three other bloggers...

I Tag:
Katherine and Grace @ The Maidens of Green Gables

And you!  If you'd like to steal this tag, please do share the link to your answers in the comments below! 

Sending warmest wishes for a wonderful 2023!

God love you,



  1. So fun to see you do this one, Sarah!

    It's really interesting (and kind of cool) that your family managed to do Santa, but keep Jesus at the center of Christmas! I also think the idea of writing wishes to Baby Jesus is sweet...although writing 'wish lists' isn't something that I think of as central to believing in Santa, for some reason?
    (I LOVE that image of Santa at the creche!)

    Little Women is a really nice winter/Christmas book!

    I SO want to watch The Man Who Invented Christmas...I haven't gotten to it yet this year, but I might use the excuse that Christmas isn't *really* over until Candlemas to watch it sometime in the next few weeks...

    I start getting excited for spring in February, too! I'm glad that's not just me...

    1. Thanks!

      Hu, that's interesting! A letter to Santa was one of the key elements for me I think. Granted I would only name maybe 1-3 things. We also went to my aunt and uncle's Christmas work party where they had Santa and you would sit on his lap and tell him what you wanted so I guess that's how I came to associate Santa with a gift request. :)

      Ooh! Yes! Do! We've been so busy we're watching Christmas movies slowly but you definitely have until Feb. 2nd! Especially in light of this quote from "A Christmas Carol" <3:

      “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!”

